Change Yourself and not The World:
خودت را تغییر بده نه دنیا را
Long ago, people lived happily under the rule of a king. The people of the kingdom were very happy as they led a very prosperous life with an abundance of wealth and no misfortunes.
مدتها پیش، مردم تحت فرمانروایی یک پادشاه به خوشی زندگی می کردند. مردم پادشاهی بسیار خوشحال بودند زیرا زندگی بسیار مرفهی با ثروت فراوان و بدون بدبختی داشتند.
Once, the king decided to go visiting places of historical importance and pilgrim centres at distant places. He decided to travel by foot to interact with his people. People of distant places were very happy to have a conversation with their king. They were proud that their king had a kind heart.
یک بار پادشاه تصمیم گرفت از مکان های تاریخی و مراکز زیارتی در نقاط دور بازدید کند. او تصمیم گرفت با پای پیاده سفر کند تا با مردمش ارتباط برقرار کند. مردم نقاط دور از گفتگو با پادشاه خود بسیار خوشحال بودند. آنها افتخار می کردند که پادشاهشان قلبی مهربان دارد.
After several weeks of travel, the king returned to the palace. He was quite happy that he had visited many pilgrim centres and witnessed his people leading a prosperous life. However, he had one regret.
پس از چند هفته سفر، پادشاه به قصر بازگشت. او بسیار خوشحال بود که از مراکز زیارتی زیادی دیدن کرده و شاهد زندگی مرفه مردمش بوده است. با این حال او یک پشیمانی داشت.
He had intolerable pain in his feet as it was his first trip by foot covering a long distance. He complained to his ministers that the roads weren’t comfortable and that they were very stony. He could not tolerate the pain. He said that he was very much worried about the people who had to walk along those roads as it would be painful for them too!
او درد غیرقابل تحملی در پا داشت زیرا این اولین سفرش بود که با پای پیاده مسافت طولانی را طی می کرد. او از وزرای خود شکایت کرد که جاده ها راحت نیست و بسیار سنگلاخ است. او نمی توانست درد را تحمل کند. او گفت که خیلی نگران مردمی است که باید در آن جاده ها قدم بزنند زیرا برای آنها هم دردناک است!
Considering all this, he ordered his servants to cover the roads in the whole country with leather so that the people of his kingdom can walk comfortably.
با توجه به همه اینها، به خادمان خود دستور داد راه های سراسر کشور را با چرم بپوشانند تا مردم پادشاهی او به راحتی راه بروند.
The king’s ministers were stunned to hear his order as it would mean that thousands of cows would have to be slaughtered in order to get sufficient quantity of leather. And it would cost a huge amount of money also.
وزرای پادشاه از شنیدن دستور او مات و مبهوت شدند، زیرا این بدان معناست که برای بدست آوردن مقدار کافی چرم باید هزاران گاو ذبح شوند. و هزینه هنگفتی نیز در پی خواهد داشت.
Finally, a wise man from the ministry came to the king and said that he had another idea. The king asked what the alternative was. The minister said, “Instead of covering the roads with leather, why don’t you just have a piece of leather cut in appropriate shape to cover your feet?”
سرانجام مرد عاقل وزارت نزد شاه آمد و گفت که من فکر دیگری دارم. پادشاه پرسید جایگزین چیست؟ وزیر گفت: چرا به جای اینکه جاده ها را با چرم بپوشانید، فقط یک تکه چرمی به شکل مناسب برای پوشاندن پاهایتان نزنید؟
The king was very much surprised by his suggestion and applauded the wisdom of the minister. He ordered a pair of leather shoes for himself and requested all his countrymen also to wear shoes.
شاه از پیشنهاد او بسیار شگفت زده شد و درایت وزیر را تشویق کرد. او یک جفت کفش چرمی برای خودش سفارش داد و از هموطنانش خواست که کفش بپوشند.
Moral: Instead of trying to change the world, we should try to change ourselves.
اخلاق: به جای تلاش برای تغییر جهان، باید سعی کنیم خودمان را تغییر دهیم.